I don't think I'm emotionally ready for swimsuit season. I used to be so self conscious about how I looked in a bathing suit (or so I thought). Now, I really am. I mean, I don't want to show off my super sexy stretch marks. Let's be honest here...They'd just bring all the boys to the yard. So after MANY days of searching for my latest obsession, the retro swimsuit, I found one that had good reviews, was affordable, AND cute. Of course, it was out of stock. So naturally, I vultured for days, multiple times a day. Then, one day, there it was! The elusive swimsuit, back in stock. As soon as I clicked "add to cart", it was gone again. Seriously? A few more days of the above routine, and the suit was mine. Victory at last! Upon receiving said suit, I was a little disappointed that my booty was a little too small to fill it out and up top, I was a little too big filling it in. I decided I'd give it a go anyway (and hope I didn't fall out of the top or flash too much bum) since it was super cute and had potential as I finally figured out the few kinks in sizing.

Today, the little boy had his first trip to the "big boy" pool. It wasn't a public pool or anything (I'm afraid of floating poop, you see), but it was still a lot bigger than his little blow-up pool the size of a large yorkie. After putting on THE swimsuit and managing to smack myself in the face with his little folded floatie, I finally got it all set up and ready to go. Well, almost. I had to sunscreen and dress the babe. Which is like trying to lasso a chicken. 30 minutes later, I was ready to go. I feared the worst upon getting in the pool, the boy would hate it and scream since he couldn't touch the bottom or my swimsuit would fail me. I braced myself, but no! The swimsuit stayed, and the boy LOVED it! He kicked and giggled, splashed and squealed, even lounged and watched the cousins as they played. Win. After an hour and a half, he got tired, so we went home and he promptly napped for another hour. All in all, a successful day. I think if he could talk, the boy would tell me I'm the best mom ever.
This is so you! I love your blog lots of smiles here:)